Very rarely people are born with more or less than 32 teeth. Many people in Mexico are born without wisdom teeth, and it is has long been known that Australian Aborigines are born with more wisdom teeth, 2 or sometimes even 3 pairs. There are several conditions, like hypodontia, that make the body grow more teeth than the standard 32. These teeth are known as supernumerary teeth, and they very frequently grow where teeth should not; behind the rows, outside of the rows, in the chin, the palate and a whole host of places where teeth have no business being.
A question of pathology
Whether or not these teeth get pulled is a question of pathology. Do the teeth inhibit speech, food consumption, socialization, or sexuality? If they do, it is wiser to pull them, but only under the condition that the other teeth surrounding them do not get harmed. Frequently, mutated tooth buds will produce more than one tooth, and this is what most supernumerary teeth are. If these teeth go bad or start to rot, they are extracted immediately without fail.
When it’s kept
Supernumerary teeth are frequently kept, however. They may be attached to a normal tooth, or maybe in a position where pulling the tooth will harm other teeth as well. But sometimes they are not pulled because, frankly it is just not worth the hassle. if the tooth is not hindering the patient’s life, then there is no reason to perform an extraction. Extractions harm the jawbones, the gingiva, and possibly the teeth next to the tooth being pulled, which is why dentists do not like to pull teeth, besides the fact that it utterly destroys the alveolus and contributes to further tooth loss. So if the tooth is not in the way, it will not be pulled.
These teeth will frequently be rotated or misaligned. When undergoing orthodontic treatment, the supernumerary teeth are also regulated and pushed or pulled into a position where they do the least amount of damage, or where they interfere the least. Many people live their entire life with extra teeth and are never bothered by them. There are some things to take into consideration though.
Life with supernumerary teeth
What you should consider is that you will definitely need to go to the dentist every six months for a half year check up. NO ifs, buts, no exceptions, postpone the wedding and all. You will be considered at heightened risk of tooth decay and complications until the day your tooth falls out. You will need to brush and floss that tooth as well, and you will need to be more diligent than others when it comes to cleaning your teeth.
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